Back To School *wails*
Thursday, January 28, 2010

nuu. tomorrow is school. the agony. the pain. D: im so sad.. for many many many reasons. This is mainly because...
  1. i dont get to sleep in :'(
  2. i now have more homework D:
  3. i dont get to eat whenever i like
you know. i think im kinda put off going to school for quite a while now. but anyways im "slightly" excited to see my friends :D so yeah. anyways how are you all :) hehe. im feeling random but yeah. i so dont want to wake up tomorrow. I'm going to like die == literally. worse then you ben. and you said you are going to die.. pfft. what a lie.

anyways going to leave you guys to have fun .. at school !

iknowyouloveus. xoxo. e & s

Here fishie fishe.. Here fishie!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

haha. yes today i went fishing with me family at umm.. berowra waters.. well we "hired" this little.. boat it was about um 1x1.5m and yeahh... well. i caught the first fish ;) yeah baby. and then my mum was next and caught a bream. You shoudl've heard me, sharon and my dad go oooooh. nothing much really happened after that.. apaart from the fact that we . . caught fish. BUT my dad caught a flat head and we went.. oooh. so yeah :P it was really really fun. but now i smell like a fish ):

going home.. i fell asleep in the car even with the radio blasting.., yeha i was that tired. mainly because i weoke up at a record time of 7:30am. thats sooo amazing considering i usually sleep to 1pm :/ but yeah.. blame my sister she woke me up. however i kinda feel sorry for her. she got school tomorrow.. hah suck that :D anyways yeahh. got school on friday.. horrible stuff.. time for dinnerr ;)

iknowyouloveus. xoxo, e & s

Aus-sie (:
Monday, January 25, 2010

well. if you are cantonese like i am :P you would understand a joke my dad has made for like 8 years :P because when you pronounce the words"Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi! Oi Oi!"

we take it as .. "aw see aw see aw see. aw aw aw! " which translated meaning. "go poo go poo go poo! poo poo poo! " haha although its on the... slightly weird side with a strange meaning.. my dad seems to like pronouncing it like that so thats that. well as my buddy in the previous post says.. its Australia Day yeah its a massive deal much :) very very awesome.. but since im not exactly "Aussie Aussie Aussie" we don't really celebrate it :P so yeahh..

as edi also said yep.. im going fishing tomorrow :D how very very fun :):):) last time we went we caught more then 100 fish.. also very awesome :) so yeahh.... can't wait. and omgosh school is on friday! i can barely wait.. (note: the sarcasm ==) but yeah i wrapped all my books so thats good.. now nothin is happening in my extravagently boring household so yeahh :D byee

iknowyouloveus. xoxo e&s

Ozz Day (:

Heey everyone (:
Omgsh its australia day ! Althoughh I don't find it as a big deal, who cares when Australia was founded? Yeah yeah we're here now isn't that what matters? Although Steph probs has a different decision, opinion. psht, same thing ; This is edi if you haven't already realised, and if you haven't, you might as well be blind (: But that isn't something to worry about :\ I wonder if the shops are still open... Hm anyway back to the point, why are we even bothering to celebrate? I mean, who is? Yeah sure its a pleasant holiday but it isn't fun. I want fun fun fun (: But we can't always get all we want.. Ooh Steph's going fishing tomorrow :D Jealous much? Ahaha and now I have nothing to say so I'll probably go back to the Ozz Open (: Some asian girl is playing, she seems good (Y)
We'll blog soon and hope you all have a very happy Ozz Day !

iknowyouloveus. xoxo. e & s

ft. edi

Heey it's Edi here (:
Steph was bugging me about writing to you all there so here I am. Well, Steph was partly right in her at this moment blog. I was eating a HUGE entree ==; Consisting of mainly just small appetizers and I found out that I was not hungry anymore. So I skipped the main meal, a.k.a pizza which I know, Steph darl over here is DYING to have ;) Kekeke I'm mean (: And we watched tennis. Okay yeah it sort of looks odd when every single person is watching the tennis from all around the living room but it was VERY with the emphasis on the very uneventful. I mean Federer would've won anyday and Hewitt, well I don't care about Hewitt ==; So it was boring. Boring, boring, boring. Aheh right so Gen went off being her unsocial self to go on facebook or blog or whatever she wanted to do on the computer, while we all looked at the TV for her sake. Unfair. With a capital U. It was a very stoned 3 set match, in which Federer won all. Yeah so that was my.. evening. Totally wasted. Speaking of wasted, was my money, for my sisters birthday present. She got so freaking much ! :( Well from mommy, we went shopping and she got a hundred dollar bracelet and a pendant which was a 10 point diamond ! JEALOUSS. Pssht and from me I got her GG (; and two overpriced tshirts. Although I got the tshirts too (: Yay ! Hurley (Y) So that was it. And to everyone out there today, have a GREAT Oz Day !

iknowyouloveus. xoxo. e & s

at this moment..

steph: at the moment well i'm halfishly enjoying the tennis and rooting for the underdog which is obviously leyton hewitt. i mean seriously he lost 14 times to federer .___. why does federer always have to win D: he should lose some day. serves him right for dominating mens tennis. hmph. but anyways apart from that nothing really happening. oh wait im marvelling at my school books which ive just wrapped very horribly with just clear contact.. no patterns or cute pictures like usual :/ but yeahh. thats bout it (: so im just going to speak for edi..

edi: well if i am right (this is steph) edi is currently enjoying my dream dinner of lets see... pizza mainly because its "gen's" birthday :) well happy birthday to her.. from steph. but yeah hope you like the birthday present edi gave you. i would like it :)) anyways so yeah thats basically all edi is doing while partying :) so yep.

iknowyouloveus. xoxo. e & s

Permission To View?
Sunday, January 24, 2010

so these words you are reading at this moment is the work of steph and edi now this is just a random post i made because im changing the template and apparently "This blog does not have any posts. Please add at least one post in order to preview." so basically thats that (:

Conditions of viewing this blog :
- first you have to be awesome :)
- second.. you must have a life
- third you need to be able to smile
- fourth you have to read it :)) hehehe

actually there really are no conditions. just you know. sit down. read. comment in the tagboard :)

iknowyouloveus. xoxo. e & s

Bonjour ;
meet those girl's next door

Stephh ft. Edii (:
Well. basically this is Steph [&&] Edi's very.. "rambly" blog. Yes this was made quite "rushingly" but it'll get through. A little bit about us is that we go to B.H.H.S. and you know.. were in the same class of 8Reoww anyways have fun reading.. xD

Tu Parle ;
scream out loud

Je T'aimee ;
you're on your way

Steph. Edi. Patty. Ning. Natalie. Bibbyys. . . . .

Mois ;
gone with the wind

January 2010

Merci ;
take a bow
